Three Transformative Hebraic Concepts About Giving
Understanding that giving is for you as much as it is for others changes it from a game of lack (will there be enough?) to an act of blessing (giving is essential to my health and to my community’s health).
These three teachings shifted the way I viewed giving and generosity:
Shalom is not an ethereal sense of peace but the very tangible place where one good is exchanged for another. For example, if I have grains from my field and you have money, when we exchange what we both have for what the other needs, that moment of tangible exchange is shalom.
We cannot possess a thing until it is shared. We never actually “have” anything until it is enjoyed with others. To own even what we have, we must first give of it.
When giving, give with hand and heart in alignment. Jesus says it this way: be a joyful giver.
Jesus says it this way: It is truly more blessed to give than to receive.
Giving is a mutually beneficial expression of joy and trust.
Giving starves the leech called “lack.”
Giving postures us for thriving rather than simply surviving.
Giving is truly a river of life for our souls!
Where are you giving? We want you to give to ONE because we see the immense impact of our donors—but more importantly, where is God leading you to give?
Ask Jesus about it!
Here’s a simple prayer: Jesus, quiet every voice but Yours.
Then ask:
God, do You want me to give and be part of Your movement through ONE? If not ONE, ask God where your heart would enjoy giving generously.
Jesus, how much and how often?
Jesus, why?
Important follow through: Go do it with joy knowing not only that you are unlocking what God wants to do through the groups you give to, but that He is unlocking you too!