Giving is For You
What does giving do for you? It unlocks your life!
Does part of you need unlocking? I’ll say it clearly because I wish someone had done so for me years ago: Giving and the vibrant flow of your own life are inextricably linked!
One day a friend prayed for our staff at ONE and said, “This may sound funny, but as I pray for ONE I get the sense that people need to give generously to ONE more for them than they do for ONE.” An odd prayer of encouragement. Within the year, two others delivered the exact same message. I paid more attention to the concept after that!
This principle is not only true for ONE, it’s true in general: Generous givers prosper because giving unlocks the dams in our own life.
Here’s the dam I have been most blocked by: fear of lack.
What if there’s not enough? What if we make a misstep and end up in need? What if everything collapses? This fear was not from God but it drove many of my decisions.
God made us to be rivers that He can pour resources into. As long as there’s an outlet, they will flow with vibrancy.
The dead sea is dead because it only has inlets—rivers pouring into it—not one outlet.
Let’s ask Jesus about giving:
Jesus, what do you know about giving that I don’t know?
Jesus, what dams might be blocking your flow of generosity through my life?
Jesus, what do you want me to know, what’s true?
Jesus, show me what “outlets” you want in my life?
Take a minute to ask God to dismantle the damn of lack or the fear of lack.
Become the river you were born to be!
Enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres, meet our team, hear how your giving is impacting people, enjoy good conversation and prayer, and talk about the bigger vision for ONE. gatherings will be limited in attendance and social distance considerations respected.