7 Days of Unified, Citywide Prayer & Encouragement for San Antonio - Day 6
7 Days of Unified, Citywide Prayer & Encouragement for San Antonio
DAY 6 Guide: Seniors
Today’s focus: Seniors - Intergenerational Healing
Pick 2 people in the generation above you (at least older than you)
At 9:00 Take time to pray intentionally for both. (or whenever works!) Specifically pray for supernatural protection of their health and for healing. Pray that God would restore relationships between generations.
Find a way to virtually send them some love!
Some ideas:
Thank them authentically in a video message. Be shockingly generous toward their family, their cause or their org. Video your kids favorite memories of that person or their favorite things about them. Video your “why” about them in your life - why do they matter to you? Check in on needs and see how you can help in any way.
Give them a Shout Out! Use the hashtags:
#7daysSA #held #weareheld #wearefamily #allinthistogether
Not sure who to pick? Take the time to ask Jesus and pay attention to whomever God brings to mind after you ask.
Not sure how to encourage? Ask God and listen for what ideas pop in your mind and are impressed on you. Check and see if that idea would encourage you...if so, it’s probably a great direction to follow.
Here’s a prayer for Seniors you can use at home:
Lord, we pray today for the elderly among us.
We bless this generation who came before, and who carry the stories of our past.
We honor their service among us: fighting wars, raising families, navigating loss, adapting to ever more rapid changes in our world. They gave their time to our places of work and worship and built the communities in which we live.
We are grateful to and for them.
We pray for Your supernatural protection to encompass them, especially those with waning health and strength. May they be saved from this current “pestilence that stalks in the darkness; may no harm overtake them.” (Ps 91:6 &10)
May they feel held physically.
May Your Presence and comfort surround those seniors experiencing isolation brought on by COVID-19, social distancing, and the limited connection of quarantine.
May they feel held emotionally.
Most of all, we pray they know You more intimately each day.
May their inner selves be renewed day by day.
May those days include increased experiences of Your Presence resulting in reconciliation, joy, forgiveness, connection, affection, blessing, and love for them, for their families, and for our world.
May they feel held spiritually.
We ask all of this in the Name of Jesus, our Friend, our Savior, and our Lord.
-Rosalind Hervey