7 Days of Unified, Citywide Prayer & Encouragement for San Antonio⁠ - Day 1

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Day 1 Guide: Local Government 

  • Start by picking two specific public servants (can be a group, like your local police station). 

  • At 9:00 Take time to pray intentionally for both. (or whenever works!)

  • Find a way to virtually and creatively let them know you are FOR them. 

Some ideas:

    • Give them a shoutout on instagram or facebook, let them hear and see your support

    • Send them something they need or want 

    • Be shockingly generous toward their family, their cause or their org. 

    • Have your kids do a cheer, make poster boards or draw pictures and post it online

    • Remind them of a time that they impacted your life positively and express your gratitude 

Use the hashtags: #7daysSA #held #weareheld 

Not sure who to pick? Take the time to ask Jesus and pay attention to whomever God brings to mind after you ask. 

Not sure how to encourage? Ask God and listen for what ideas pop in your mind and are impressed on you. Check and see if that idea would encourage you...if so, it’s probably a great direction to follow. 

A prayer for our Government you can use at home

Jesus, you hold our city of San Antonio, you hold our leaders and you hold us. 

You are the One who has gone before us, who is with us now and who will never leave us. 

You have gifted us with these leaders for this very season. 

Thank you for them!

We bless them to be who God made them to be in this hour. 

We honor their willingness to serve. 

You see their efforts and the sacrifices they make now on behalf of us all. 

We look to you to take their work and make it stretch far beyond what they can now imagine. 

We look to you to support them and do the miraculous in their lives. 

May every public servant of San Antonio be filled with abiding wisdom. 

May they have a surprising measure of hope-filled perspective, able to see clearly in the midst of difficulty and uncertainty. 

Help our leaders know what is theirs to do for today.

Fill them with the kind of foresight and preparedness that can only come from You. 

Carry away every anxious thought and unhelpful imagination that might distract them. 

Shut their ears to the noise and let the path of provision for our city open wide before them. 

We ask that each city government leader feels Your tangible encouragement and comfort exactly when they need it most. 

Let them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they, too, are held by You. 

In Jesus name, 


 Virtual Communion at 7:00PM Tonight

Get on Facebook or Insta Live and use this simple prayer: 

“Body of Christ, broken for you and me, San Antonio. 

Blood of Christ, shed for you and me, San Antonio.




Communion always reminds us of what is: we are ONE with God, He restores us within giving us ONE whole heart and we are inextricably connected to each other as ONE body. This is true and all else that we live or experience is ultimately a falsehood and will only create the experience of division. Take a deep breath in and let Jesus remind you of what is true

As you share the bread and the wine, let the truth of your union with Christ and each other sink deep into your heart and mind. Let it permeate your mindset and change the way you see your circumstances. Get present to God’s presence with you and in you right now. 

Here are 2 songs you could use to help guide your time of communion.



If you would like to reference a liturgy, here is a simple option - there are many available online. 


These 7 days may be “citywide,” but the power of it is in the one-to-one. One-on-one between you and God. One-on-one in loving our neighbors virtually. Communion puts this on display - One Savior’s life given fully for each and every one. As ONE, we share in His body broken and blood shed which empowers us to live as ONE - the greatest of all mysteries on display in our lives together. 

Honored to come to the table with each of you tonight, 

-Cayce Harris